40 Romanian Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary

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today at 6:15
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astăzi la 6:15
I took time off yesterday
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Ieri mi-am luat liber
It will be sunny tomorrow
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Mâine va fi însorit
I took time off yesterday
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Ieri mi-am luat liber
It will be sunny tomorrow
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Mâine va fi însorit
There are seven days in a week.
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Sunt şapte zile într-o săptămână.
Leap year
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An bisect
Wait a second, I'll be right back
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Stai o secundă vin imediat
There's another minute until midnight
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Mai este un minut până la miezul nopţii
I'll be home from work in an hour.
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Am să ajung acasă de la serviciu într-o oră.
Alarm clock
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Ceas deșteptător
It's two o'clock in the afternoon
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Acum este ora două după-amiază
We wrote down our anniversary on the calendar
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Am notat aniversarea noastră pe calendar

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