
 0    28 fiche    guest3605596
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question réponse
podroz lotnicza
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air travel
dozwolona ilosc bagazu
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allowance baggage
tasma bagazowa
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carousel baggage
odbior bagazu
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reclaim baggage
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Excess baggage
personel pokladowy
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cabin crew
bagaz zarejestrowany
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checked baggage
odprawa biletowa
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ticket check-in
wysiasc z samolotu
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disembark the plane
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dalsze polaczenie lotnicze
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connecting flight
bezposredni lot
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Direct flight
lot krajowy
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domestic flight
lot dlugodystansowy
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long-haul flight
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a fellow passenger
cel podrozy
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final Destination
przejsc odprawe paszportowa
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go through passport control
polaczenie z przesiadka
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indirect service
zmeczenie spowodowane roznica czasu
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jet lag
ostatnie wezwanie pasazera na lot
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last call
zostawic bagaz bez nadzoru
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leave luggage unattended
przechowywalnia bagazu
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left luggage office
dluga podroz lotnicza
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long distance air travel
schowek bagazu nad siedzeniem
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overhead locker
wozek z napojami
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refreshment trolley
autobus wahadlowy
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shuttle bus
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przeniesc kogos do klasy biznes
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upgrade to business class

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