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question réponse
czerpać korzyść z
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benefit from
get help or an advantage from
równoważony przez
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offset by
balanced by
mnóstwo / pełne
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packet with
extremely crowded with
szczycić się
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prides itself on
feels happy about its special quality
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renowned for
well-known for
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steeped in
have a lot of a particular quality
obszar śródmieścia
w pobliżu centrum miasta
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inner city area
near the city centre
Tętniące życiem miasto
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bustling city
przepyszne jedzenie
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mouth-watering food
urocze zaułki / uliczki
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quaint little backstreets
liściaste sąsiedztwo
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leafy neighbourhood
full od trees
tętniące życiem
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vibrant nightlife
linia horyzontu
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iconic skyline

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