3 - unit 6 - A day in your life

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question réponse
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get up
brać prysznic
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have a shower
ubrać się
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get dressed
zjeść śniadanie
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have breakfast
zjeść lunch
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have lunch
zjeść kolację
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have dinne
iść do szkoły
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go to school
uczyć się
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pójść do domu
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go home
iść do łóżka
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go to bed
o której wstajesz?
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what time do you get up?
o której godzinie ona wstaje?
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what time does she get up?
o której on wstaje?
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what time does he get up?
wstaję o siódmej godzinie
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wake up at
ona wstaje o
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she gets up at
on wstaje o
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he gets up at
czy ona wstaje o
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does she get up at
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yes, she does
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no, she doesn't
co ona robi każdego dnia
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what does she do every day
czy ona je obiad w szkole?
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does she have eating lunch at school?
czy bierze prysznic kolacji?
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does he have shower after dinner
ona je śniadanie
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she eats breakfast
on chodzi do szkoły
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He goes to school
ona uczy się języka angielskiego
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she is studies english
on nie wstaje o dziesiątej
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he doesn't get up at ten
ona nie je śniadania
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she doesn't have breakfast
ktura godzina?
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what time is it?
jest siódma
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it's seven o'clock
jest kwadrans
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it's a quarter
jest za kwadrans druga
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it's a quarter to two
jest piętnaście po dziesiątej
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it's quarter past ten
jest piąta trzydzieści
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it's half past five-htirty
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in the morning
po południu
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in the afternoon
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in the evening
my jemy śniadanie o dziesiątej rano
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we have breakfast at ten o'clock in the morning
my jemy obiat o czwartej
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we eat dinner at four o'clock
my wstajemy rano
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we get up in the morning
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zosia ma dziewięć lat
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zosia is nine
zjadła płatki na śniadanie
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she eats cereal for breakfast
pije mleko w szkole
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she drinking milk at school
na kolację je klopsiki
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she has meatballs for dinner
ja wstaję wcześnie
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I get up early
jem śniadanie o ósmej rano
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I have breakfast at eight o'clock.
mam lunch o godzinie pierwszej.
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I have lunch at one o'clock.
mam prysznic o wpół do ósmej.
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I have a shower at half past eight.
czy jest tutaj wodospad?
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is there a waterfall
czy na twojej wyspie są małpy
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are there palm trees on your island
czy są tutaj plaże?
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are there beaches
tak, tutaj są
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yes, they are
nie, tutaj niema
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no, tutaj nie ma

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