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przybrać na wadze
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gain weight
moge jej powiedzieć że
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I can tell her that
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to appreciate
mam dobre samopoczucie
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I feel good
powinieneś zadbać o swoje ciało
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you should take care of your body
robić pompki
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do push-ups
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and so on
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warm up
ja pracuje nad nogami
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I work on my legs
rozśmieszył mnie
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he made me laugh
sprawił że było zabawnie
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he made it fun
przedmioty ścisłe
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these / those
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changing room
potem będe miała to czego chce
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then I'll have what I want
biec na autobus
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run to the bus
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od rano do wpół do 9
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from morning to half to nine
od południa
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since noon

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