25 02 25 be good at / at the age of 10

 0    29 fiche    dominikawittchen
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być lepszym w angielskim
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be better at English
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robić fiszki
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make flashcards
po południu
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in the afternoon
pracować jako wolny strzelec
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work as a freelancer
praca w regularnych godzinach
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a nine to five job
elastyczne godziny pracy
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flexible work hours
elestyczna praca
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flexible work
dobre dla zdrowia psychicznego
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good for mental health
drugi września
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the second of September
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a variable
zalety i wady
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advantages and disadvantages; pros and cons
mocne i słabe strony
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strengths and weaknesses
zalety przeważają wady
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the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
nauczyć się na pamięć
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learn by heart
na jej poziomie
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at her level
wybrała, żeby studiować psychologię
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she chose to study psychology
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w tym samym wieku
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at the same age
w wieku mojej mamy
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at my mother’s age
w wieku lat 10
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at the age of 10
jest świetna w angielskim
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she is excellent at English
kierunek studio
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ona interesuje się psychologią
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she is interested in psychology
poprawić egzamin
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retake an exam
powódź; krew
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flood; blood
możesz podwieźć mnie do centrum?
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can you give me a lift to the centre?

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