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Możesz na mnie liczyć.
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You can count on me.
Robisz to celowo!
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You're doing that on purpose!
Unikam tego jak zarazy.
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I avoid it like the plague.
Będę trzymać kciuki.
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I'll keep my fingers crossed.
To zależy od Ciebie.
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It's up to you.
- tak jak kiedyś
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- as I used to be
Mam zacząć?
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Shall I begin?
Możesz zrobić co tylko zechcesz.
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You can do whatever you want.
Jesteśmy kwita.
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We're quits.
- na dobre
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- for good
Czy możemy zapłacić osobno?
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Can we pay separately?
Gdzie jest najbliższy bankomat?
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Where is the nearest ATM?
Jestem szybkim uczniem.
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I'm a fast learner.
Dam temu szansę.
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I'll give it a try.
Ta runda należy do mnie.
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This round is on me.
Muszę odmówić.
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I have to refuse.
bez wahania
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without hesitation
bez wątpienia
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without a doubt
odrzucać, nie przyjmować
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odmawiać, odrzucać
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deny, decline
utknąć w korku
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to stuck in a traffic jam
Coś musi być z tym nie tak.
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There must be something wrong with it.
znudzić się
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get bored
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to admit

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