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sprouted branches
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wyrosły gałęzie
a red rag to a bull
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czerwona płachta na byka
put the cat among the pigeons
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włożyć kij w mrowisko
until the cows go home
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dopóki krowy nie wrócą do domu
fight like a cat and dog
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walcz jak kot i pies
mutton dressed as a lamb
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baranina ubrany jak baranek
as the crow flies
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w linii prostej
sour grapes
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kwaśne winogrona
have a sweet tooth
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like a bear with a sore head
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jak niedźwiedź z bólem głowy
no room to swing a cat
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nie ma miejsca do swing a cat
to kill two birds with one stone
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upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
you're getting nowhere fast
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nigdzie nie docieracie szybko
to pay your way
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zapłacić swoją drogą
white-collar job
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umysłowych pracy
like a bull in a china shop
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jak byk w składzie porcelany
as busy as a bee / a busy bee
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tak zajęty jak pszczoła / zajęta pszczoła
the rat race
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wyścig szczurów
let the cat out of the bag
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wygadać się
go to the dogs
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zejść na psy
feel like a fish out of water
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czuć się jak ryba wyjęta z wody
dog eat dog (situation / a case of...)
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pies jedzący psa (sytuacja / przypadek ...)
(the criticism was) like water off a duck's back
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(krytyka była) jak woda z kaczki
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z oślimi uszami
a dog's dinner
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obiad psa
a different kettle of fish
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“inna para kaloszy”, zupełnie inna sprawa
(I'll be) in the doghouse
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(Będę) w budach
cook one's goose
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gęś kucharz własnego
the donkey work
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praca osioł
to be a fly on the wall
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być muchą na ścianie
(He could) talk the hind legs off a donkey (with stories of his childhood)
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talk and talk and talk
swim like a fish
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pływać jak ryba
wash one's hands of smb / sth
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not one's responsibility

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