21st april

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a deposit
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kwota złożona w banku
no optism for the future
if it was a terrible day and nothing goes right i feel so downhearted
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you can be down and out when you have a terrible downfall
a failure feeling, nobody likes them, trusts them or gives them a job
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downpour- heavy rain
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ulewa - ulewny deszcz
Im feeling down
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Czuje się przygnębiony
shes down with a cold
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jest schłodzona
hes down on his luck
no luck
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nie ma szczęścia
slow down
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four down, two to go
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cztery w dół, dwa w dół
please turn the music down
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proszę włączyć dowcip muzyki
the laptop is down at the moment
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laptop jest w tej chwili wyłączony
this job suits me down to the ground
its perfect for me job
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ta praca pasuje mi do ziemi

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