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a painkiller
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un analgésico, un calmante
El jengibre es conocido por ser un poderoso analgésico natural.
a newborn
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un recién nacido, neonato
to breastfeed
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surprised, bewildered
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sorprendido, desconcertado
We set up the appointment for early next Monday. 2
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Concertamos/Programamos la cita para el próximo lunes temprano.
an arranged marriage
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un matrimonio concertado
How often do you take painkillers?
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¿Con qué frecuencia tomas analgésicos? ¿Qué tan a menudo tomas analgésicos?
rude 4
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grosero, maleducado, impertinente borde
Eso que dijiste fue grosero.
monitor closely
i need to keep a close eye on the baby, he's quite restless
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vigilar de cerca
Debo vigilar de cerca al bebé, es muy inquieto
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a chewing gum
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un chicle
a heart attack
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un infarto, un ataque del corazón
She was standing.
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Ella estaba parada.
Don't put on
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No te pongas
at the age of
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a la edad de
it belongs to her
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le pertenece a ella
the right to
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el derecho a
Antiguamente, a las mujeres se les negaba el derecho al voto.
Formarly, in the past
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Antiguamente las casas de los vecinos siempre estaban abiertas.
a toilet
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un inodor
a bladder
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una vejiga
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picante, condimentado

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