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oburzony, wzburzony
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He is outraged they will get only that small amount of money.
być przygnębionym, być nie w humorze
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What would be the point of us both moping around the house all day?
ulubiony, ukochany
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Cherished son of Elizabeth and the late George Campbell.
pesymizm, ciemne barwy, czarna rozpacz
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doom and gloom
I think maybe some people have a doom and gloom attitude.
będący w potrzebie, potrzebujący uwagi, biedny
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Do all you can to help the poor and the needy.
źle się zachowywać (o dziecku) phrasal verb
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act up
His daughter acts up when she doesn't get what she wants
ustalać coś (np. nagrodę)
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put up
The police put up a price for finding that man.
prawo (do zrobienia czegoś, np. do głosowania)
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I have as much entitlement to happiness as you do to misery.

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