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mówić do kogoś z poczuciem wyższości mieć kogoś zadurnia
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talk down to somebody
Stop talking down to me! I'm not a child!
strzelić gafę, palnąć coś
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put your foot in it
I shouldn't have said that, I put my foot in it
dostać się do kogoś
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get sth across to sb
he managed to get the message across everybody understood him
mówić z sensem, mówić do rzeczy
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talk sence
most politicians don't talk sense
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talk nonsense
stop talking nonsense
mówić głośniej
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speak up
could you speak up? I can't hear you
mówić co się myśli
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speak your mind
friend always speaks her mind
za czyimiś plecami
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behind somebody's back
don't talk about me behind my back
na czyjąś twarz
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to somebody's face
if you have got something to say, say it to my face
pyskować, odpowiadać komuś niegrzecznie
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answer sb back
her son answers her back when he's angry
okrzyczeć kogoś
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tell sb off for
she told her children off for breaking the window
dojść do słowa, dojść do głosu
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not get a word in edgeways
I couldn't get a word in edgeways because he was talking all the time

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