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transportation (At) -
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transport (At) -
transportation (ON) trains, bus, plane,
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transport (ON) pociągi, autobus, samolot,
boat is an exceptional
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łódź jest wyjątkowa
if the boat is small then
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jeśli łódź jest mała
im in the boat
if the boat is big
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jeśli łódź jest duża
im on the boat
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because you sit on the bicycle
im on the bicycle
Transportation (IN)
Car & Taxi
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Transport (IN)
if you pay the taxi driver the taxi is your’s so you are in the taxi
im in the car, im in the taxi
transportation (BY)
means how did you get here
car, train, plane, boat& bus
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transport (BY)
i drove by car, today i drove by taxi, i crossed the river by the lake.
by how did you get it?
you can say at, on, in, for transportation, location, and time
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możesz powiedzieć w, w, w, dla transportu, lokalizacji i czasu
on is used for large groups of people
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on jest używany dla dużych grup ludzi
im in the boat
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jestem w łodzi
when there is one person in the boat so you say im in the boat
location (at)
i will give you my address see me there
means to be specific
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lokalizacja (at)
meet me at my house at 3:15
location (on)
i have my things scattered on the table
they are big in an area, you can see it
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lokalizacja (on)
we put things on a table
location (in)
i have some papers inside the drawer
the objects which you cant see and has to be inside
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lokalizacja (w)
somethings which go inside
my clothes are inside the wardrobe
location (by)
close to
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lokalizacja (by)
it is similar
near by
time (at)
at 10:30
when we say a specific time we say at dealing with hours/Min
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czas (w)
before every hour i. e, time we will say at
what time i will meet you?
time (on)
christmas day, easter day,
on monday, on tuesday, on all the days
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czas na)
on my birthday, i have an off on christmas
before every day we say on
im a workoholic
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Jestem pracoholikiem
time (in)
talk about specific time
long periods of time
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czas w)
i was born in 1992, i will go for vacations in the month of march
we can say for years, months and weeks
im a bookworm
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im mól książkowy
because you love reading books that is why you are a bookworm

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