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urząd stanu ctywilnego
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registry office
osoba niepożądana
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I don't want that criminal and other undesirables in my city.
zawiązać supeł
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to tie a knot
obroża (psa)
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dog collar
pobrać się, związać się węzłem małżeńskim (idiom)
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tie the knot
Are you sure you want to tie the knot?
wypuścić parę, wyładować się, rozładować emocje
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blow off steam
I was so furious that I had to blow off steam.
opaska na oko
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eye patch
Davis wore an eye patch for at least six months following the accident.
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He lost control of his car and went into a ditch.
pobocze drogi
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wake - woke - woken
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Convicted felons like me, you see, aren't to be allowed access to the technology.
przestępca skazany na więzienie
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convicted felon
uznawać za winnego
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He was convicted of robbery.
wysadzać w powietrze
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blow up - blew up - blown up
powiększyć, powiększać (np. zdjęcie)
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blow up
Blow the picture up, please, I want to see the details.
wybuchnąć gniewem, naskoczyć (na kogoś) informal
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blow up
He was so angry he blew up.
czuć się bezsilnym
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feel powerless
odzyskać siły
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take the power back
wpadać do czegoś
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fall into something - fell - fallen
potop, powódź, ulewa
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Because of the deluge, I didn't cut the grass.
kundel, mieszaniec
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mongrel, scrub, crossbreed
My dog is a scrub.

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