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nic specjalnego sie nie stało
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nothing special happened
Jeśli kupiłbym wczoraj samochód nie miałbym pieniędzy.
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If I had bought a car yesterday I wouldn't have had any money.
Jeśli nie przyszedłbym wczoraj do pracy to byłbym zły
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If I hadn't come to work yesterday, I would have been angry
rozwiązałem problem z szachami
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I solved the chess problem (solve isn't related to people so much, it's just regular puzzles/problems in general)
rozwiązali konflikt/problemy
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they resolved their issues (resolve is more related to people and something gets better/you make a decision about it)
poszukiwać oświecenia
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seek enlightenment
szukać kluczy
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look for keys
znaleźć psa
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find a dog
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to fry
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a frying pan
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zdjąć to na noc
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take it off for the night
No i mam kolejny problem
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And I have another problem
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other / different

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