15th of March

 0    16 fiche    nataliawiedrycka
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question réponse
Moja rodzina jest duża
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My family is big
Mam rodzeństwo
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I have siblings
Mam brata
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I have a brother
Spędzamy razem czas w domu
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We spend time together at home
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Jak często widzisz się z dziadkami?
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How often do you see your grandparents?
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Bawię się z kuzynami
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I'm having fun with my cousins
Często biegam
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I often run
Od kiedy mam 3 lata
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Since I was 3 years old
Jest zimno
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It is cold
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Ostatnio biegałam wczoraj
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The last time I ran was yesterday
Dzisiaj odpocznę
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I will rest today
Wyjdę z psem
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I'll go out with my dog
Gatunek muzyki
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Genre of music

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