15th Affair (10-)

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a hole-in-the-wall
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a bail
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to bail somebody out
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ratować kogoś; zapłacić kaucję za kogoś
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(osoba) hałaśliwy
in the open doorway
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w otwartych drzwiach
to mouth
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bezgłośnie poruszać ustami
to wave to get somebody's attention
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machać, żeby zwrócić czyjąś uwagę
adorable / loveable
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urocza / sympatyczna
a barell of laughs
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beczka śmiechu
to give something a good scrub
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porządnie coś wyszorować
a facial scrub
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peeling twarzy
rain or shine
whatever happens or whatever the weather is like Don’t worry. We’ll be there – rain or shine.
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bez względu na wszystko
to char
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a char
to char = to work as a char
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circumstances beyond my control
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okoliczności poza moją kontrolą
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to applaud
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to stamp your feet
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tupać rytmicznie stopami
be an accessory to something
be an accessory to an armed robbery
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być współwinnym czegoś
a bottle of booze
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butelka alkoholu
to set off the alarm
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włączyć alarm
absurdly high
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absurdalnie wysoki
to testify against somebody
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zeznawać przeciwko komuś
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a bedsheet
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to flip
To sell someone out to the police in order to save yourself from criminal charges. There's no way Mike would ever flip.
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to flip a coin
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rzucić monetą
to console somebody
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pocieszyć kogoś
a gulp
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to overestimate something
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przeceniać coś
ability to hold liquor
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zdolność do utrzymywania alkoholu, picai alkoholu
to stagger
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zataczać się
to pile up
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układać w stos
a morgue
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to prick up your ears
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nastawić uszy
to seethe with anger
to feel an emotion, especially anger, so strongly that you are almost shaking
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kipieć gniewem
an afterglow
a pleasant feeling that remains after a good experience afterglow of the afterglow of victory
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miłe wspomnienie
bedroom romps
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łóżkowe igraszki

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