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to have power over
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control sb
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that has never happened, been done or been known before
sewage system
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used water and waste substances that are produced by human bodies, that are carried away from houses and factories through special pipes (= sewers)
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o achieve better results than somebody/something
First and foremost
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most importantly; more than anything else
to beat around the bush
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to avoid talking about what is important
the next best thing
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refers to the thing that is best when you cannot do or have the thing that you really want
behind the times
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not fashionable or modern (negatives connotations)
ear for music / accent
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refers to sb who is good at hearing, repeating, and understanding sounds, especially when talking about music or language
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practical, realistic, reasonable, friendly
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practical, realistic, reasonable
face the music
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to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done
to make the ends meet
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to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need
to go hand in hand with
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when sth is closely related to sth else, especially happening at the same time or as a result of it
for the most part
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mostly or usually
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in plain sight
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to scramble
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to move quickly, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you
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; a small piece of cloth used to show people what a larger piece would look or feel like
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a long piece of land, especially one on which the plants or crops have been cut
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​involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time
to unravel
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if you unravel threads that are twisted, woven or knitted, or if they unravel, they become separated
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to make it difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen synonym hamper
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without mistakes or faults synonym perfect
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very big
to team up
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to join with another person or group in order to do something together/to put two or more people or things together in order to do something or to achieve a particular effect
to take a stand
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; to make your beliefs known and to try to make others follow them
to fold
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to close because it is not successful
to slog
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to work hard and steadily at something, especially something that takes a long time and is boring or difficult
to clamour
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to demand something loudly
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a situation in which all activity or movement has stopped
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a state of stupitity
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samochwalczy, zarozumiały; talking about yourself in a very proud way I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.
to drop the ball
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to make a mistake and cause something that you are responsible for to fail
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a mixture of rain and snow
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to try hard to find a solution to a problem → grapple with something
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a piece of soft cloth or other thick material that is folded around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to take in and hold its body waste
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it works is take in and hold its body waste
to decline
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to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc.
to abstain from
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to choose not to use a vote, either in favour of or against something
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; the strong white tissue that is important in supporting and connecting parts of the body, and especially in joints to prevent the bones rubbing against each other
to tackle sth
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; tackle something to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
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happening or done once every year
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a person who expects not to succeed He is a pessimist and a defeatist.
to assess
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to make a judgement about the nature or quality of somebody/something

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