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to be very drunk, to get absolutely hammered
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to be sloshed
Everyone else was getting sloshed.
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rozprawa rozwodowa
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divorce hearing
To odważne z Twojej strony,że podzieliłaś się tym.
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It's brave of you to share this.
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Mimo,że nie zrobiłem niczego złego.
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Despite not having done anything wrong.
I'm feeling uncertain despite not having done anything wrong.
wycofać się
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to retreat
wymieniać, zamieniać
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pokrewny do...
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akin to...
Byłam nieszczęśliwie zakochana.
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I was unhappy IN love./I felt unhappy IN love.
poszukiwać szczęścia
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to seek hapiness
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to uplift
to take a nap (very British word)
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to kip
You can kip on my sofa./ Do you fancy kip for a bit?
to be exhausted (very Bristish word)
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to be knackered
to be unpleasantly loud and course. (Very British word).
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to be lairy
toilet (very British word)
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I need pop out to the loo./ Where can I find a loo, please?
być o wiele za (głośnym)
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to be FAR TOO...
These guys are far too lairy.
to feel offend (very British word)
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to miffed, to get miffed
Don't pretend you get miffed!
food, slang. Very British word.
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I like Polish nosh.
jednorazowo (very Bristish word)
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I hope you being late is a one'off.
rude and obnoxious
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to be an oik
to learn words by heart
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to memorize words
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most likely
relaxed, calm
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Laid-back vibes.
poziom ostrości
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the heat level
to send
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to ship (out)
favorite person, place
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a go to person, place
A go to person is a reliable person./What's your go-to mild dish that you love?
targować się
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to bargain, to haggle, to higgle
to wait patiently and take no action
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to sit tight
a jumble of extremely incoherent speech as sometimes observed in schizophrenia
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a word salad
It's a word salad. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
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sprytny zwrot akcji
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a clever plot twist
Broth inside Khinkali is such a clever twist.
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zdjęcia wywołujące ślinotok
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drool-worthy pictures
które wiąże się z...
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that comes with...
sprawdzone przepisy
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tried and true recipies
czuć się pewnie z...
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feel confident ABOUT...
Is there a particular recipe that you love to make and feel confident about?
When you prepare it.
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When you whip it up.
Chciałabym być dobrze zrozumiana.
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I would like to be well understood.
namieszać (potocznie)
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to stir the pot
to stir the poo pot (?)
zwrot, zemsta
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Twierdzi,że ma 27 lat.
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He claims to be 27 years old.
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być skrytykowanym za...
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to be slammed for...
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baking traditions
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traditions linked to baking
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