14. A1.2 - Your profile photo

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twoje zdjęcie profilowe
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your profile photo
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mieć brodę
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have a beard
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a beard
mieć wąsy
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have a mustache
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być szczupły
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be slim
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slim, lean
być umięśniony
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be muscular
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Być wysokim
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To be tall
Być niskim
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To be short
mieć tatuaż
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have a tattoo
mieć kolczyk w nosie
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have a nose piercing
kręcone włosy
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curly hair
proste włosy
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straight hair
ciemne włosy
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dark hair
blond włosy
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blond hair
Jak wygląda twój brat?
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What does your brother look like?
Jest łysy
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He is bald
Jest wysoki i szczupły
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He is tall and slim
Jaka jest twoja siostra?
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What is your sister like?
Jest miła
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She is nice
Jest bardzo przyjacielska
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She is very friendly
Ona jest wysoka i ma tatuaż.
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She is tall and has a tattoo.
Ten chłopiec jest szczupły i ma proste włosy.
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This boy is slim and has straight hair.
Czy on ma piercing w nosie?
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Does he have a nose piercing?
Mój przyjaciel jest niski i ma blond włosy.
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My friend is short and has blond hair.
Czy mój przyjaciel ma krótkie włosy?
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Does my friend have short hair?
Czy on ma wąsy?
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Does he have a mustache?
Czy on jest wysoki?
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Is he tall?
On ma wąsy
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He has moustache
On jest umięśniony
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He is muscular
Mój partner ma brodę i wąsy.
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My partner has a beard and mustache.
Mój wujek ma kręcone włosy.
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My uncle has curly hair.
Jak wygląda twój brat.
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What does your brother look like?
Jak wyglądasz dzisiaj.
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How do you look today.
Jak oni wyglądają?
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What do they look like
Czy oni wyglądają?
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Do they look like this?
Czy on wygląda?
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Does he look like this?
Czy ja wyglądam?
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Do I look like that?
Jaka jest twoja siostra? (z charakteru)
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What is your sister like? (by personality)
Jak wygląda twój brat?
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What does your brother look like?
Jaki jest twój szef
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What is your boss like?
Jak wygląda twój szef?
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What does your boss look like?
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wygląda na smutnego
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he looks sad
co lubi twoja córka
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what does your daughter like
Jak wygląda twoja córka
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What does your daughter look like?
Jaka jest twoja córka?
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What is your daughter like?
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I believe
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I apologized
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rozgniewany, zły
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angry, angry
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opisywać ludzi, których znasz
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describe people you know
Jaki on jest?(pytanie o charakter)
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What is he like (question about character)
Jak wygląda twoja siostra?
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What does your sister look like?
Co on lubi robić? Lubi słuchać muzyki.
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What does he like to do? He likes listening to music.
Co on lubi robi
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What does he like doing?
Co robi
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What does
On jest podobny do mnie
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He is like me
Ona wygląda jak ty
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She looks like you
Do jakiej osoby jest podobny?
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What kind of person does he resemble?
Do czego jest podobny
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What is it similar to?
Jaki on jest?(pytanie o charakter)
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What is he like (question about character)

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