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a school trip
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field trip; an educational outing organized by a school where students are taken out of the regular classroom environment to visit various places of interest
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- a person whose job is to teach or educate people; an individual who provides instruction or education to others; for examples teachers, professores, tutors etc.
to keep an eye on
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to take care of somebody/something and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.
to resemble
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look like or be similar to another person or thing
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the fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something; synonym likeness
to yield
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giving way or producing something
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to admit that you have been defeated and want to stop fighting; to allow yourself to be caught, taken prisoner, etc.
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a pleasant smell The bath oil comes in various...
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for a period of time with no fixed limit The trial was postponed...
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something to make a hollow place in a hard surface, usually by hitting it The back of the car was badly ... in the collision.
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(of something) a sudden increase of a strong feeling SYNONYM rush She felt a sudden ... of anger.
to carve out
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to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc; She has ... a place for herself in the fashion world.
to churn
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the idea of vigorous, often turbulent, movement or production.
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A customer who frequently switches from one service or product to another, contributing to a high churn rate. Example: "The company implemented loyalty programs to reduce the number of ... and retain more customers."

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