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szkoda / krzywda
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to hurt or damage sb/sth
smoking while pregnant can harm your baby
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happening all of the time or regulary
spotkanie potrwa dodatkowe godziny
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the meeting go on for an extra hours
because of the constant interruptions
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the action or ability to focus one’s attention on sth
the monaco grand prix is the ultimate test of a driver’s skill and contentration
ostateczny; najwyższy; fundamentalny
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the right to vite is our ultimate rate
this is my ultimate choice, i won’t change my mind
ostateczny wynik
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ultimate result
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to deal with information from the senses
language is processed in multipart parts of a brain
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to scroll
to move up or down on a webpage or app
i scrolled on instagram for a few minutes until the train arrived
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the smallest unit of a living thing
nerve cells carry messages from one part of the body to another
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why silence is so vital for your health?
nasz świat jest głośniejszy niż kiedykolwiek
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our world is louder than it ever been
our world is louder than it ever been
zwiększyć ryzyko czegoś
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increase the risk of sth
studies show that constant noise can increase the risk of heart disease, anxiety, depression and hearing loss
może wpływać na poziom koncenyratyny, co utrudnia naukę
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it can affect concenyratin level, making learning more difficult
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the growing noise problem has made a silence feel unfamiliar, even uncomfortable, for many people
zamiast postrzegać ciszę jako szansę na odpoczynek
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instead of seeing quiet as a chance to rest
często próbujemy wypełnić ciszę dźwiękiem
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we often try to fill quiet with sound
krótki okres ciszy redukuje stres nawet bardziej niż relaksująca muzyka
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short period of silence reduce stress, even more than relaxing muisc does
Wpływ na
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effect on
silence has an active effect on the mind and body
pozwala na wzrost nowych komórek w hipokampie
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let to the growth of new cells in the hippocampus
poświęcanie czasu na ciszę może być ważniejsze niż kiedykolwiek
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making time for silence, might be more important than ever
dzień do dnia
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how noisy would you say your day-to-day life is?
zanieczyszczenie hałasem
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noise pollution
os noise pollution a big problem on your town or city?
cisza i spokój
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peace and quiet
where do you usually go when you want to enjoy some peace and quiet?
Jakie dźwięki uważasz za najbardziej relaksujące?
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what kind of sounds do you find most relaxing

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