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question réponse
mamy mało czasu do stracenia
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we have got little time to spare
odetchnąć z ulgą
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sigh with relief
Wskazywać palcem na
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Point at/to
jestem spłukana
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I am short of money
woda pitna
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drinking water
coraz więcej ludzi
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more and more people
zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany
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commencer à apprendre
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mówienie płynnie po ang
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fluency in
grabać grabie
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put up with
i cant put up with her
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sound/look familiar
wyzywać kogoś
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call somebody names
stop calling my names
mieć wieści od
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hear from
I haven't heard from her
mieć na uwadze
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bear in mind that
planować do przodu myśleć o przyszłości
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think ahead to something
you need to think ahead before going abroad
myśleć samodzielnie
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think for yourself
przedyskutować, omówić
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talk something over
we need to talk our plan over
przemyśleć rozważać
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think something over/ through
he will think the offer over before he makes a decision
pod wpływem chwili, spontanicznie
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on the spur of the moment
I do things on the spur of the moment
podjąć decyzję
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make up your mind
I will give you five minutes to make up your mind
myśleć logicznie
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think straight
dobrze się zastanowić, dwa razy się zastanowić
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think twice
think twice before you take action
przypominać sobie, wracać myślami
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think back to
I sometimes think back to my childhood
cierpieć z powodu
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suffer from
suffer from cold

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