
 0    12 fiche    md.marcinszymanski
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być jak nikt inny
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to be like no other
w porównaniu z (do) czegoś
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compared with (to) something
podstawa do czegoś
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ground for something
opierać się na czymś
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be grounded on something
These estimates are grounded on reliable research.
odprowadzić kogoś
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to see somebody off
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on and off
I've had toothache on and off for a couple of months.
znać coś na wylot
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to know something inside out
to know something really well
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thoroughly, completely
I examined her thoroughly.
okazało się być
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turn out to be
The situation turned out to be serious.
zakwalifikować się do czegoś
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to be qualified for sth
I have been qualified for the course. I got qualified for the course.
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
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air pollution
ocena podłużna
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longitudinal evaluation

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