amused means that something makes you smile, or makes you laugh a little bit. commencer à apprendre
smiling or laughing because something is funny The man looked a little amused.
Although anger is a normal, healthy feeling, uncontrollable anger can have a detrimental affect on health and relationships. commencer à apprendre
He was beginning to get angry.
“When you’re feeling anxious, remember that you’re still you. You are not your anxiety.” commencer à apprendre
I’m quite anxious about my exams.
Recognize the full worth of. Be grateful for (something). commencer à apprendre
to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
Recognition is about performance: "You did a great job". Appreciation is about the person: "You are a valuable member of our team!" commencer à apprendre
pleasure you feel when you realise something is good, useful, or well done She has a fine appreciation of music. You could show a little more appreciation!
Don't argue to be right. Instead, listen to understand. commencer à apprendre
to shout and say angry things to someone because you disagree with them We could hear the neighbours arguing.
Don't raise your voice, improve your argument. commencer à apprendre
a situation in which people speak angrily to each other because they disagree about something I had an argument with my mother.
That awkward moment when you have bigger boobs than the girl next to you. commencer à apprendre
I hope he won’t ask any awkward questions.
The idiom 'to be over the moon' means 'to be delighted' or 'to be very happy'. commencer à apprendre
She's over the moon about her new exciting job.
be scared out of your wits "(to be) scared out of your wits": so afraid that you are unable to think clearly commencer à apprendre
to be very frightened. To frighten someone to such an extent that they behave irrationally I was scared out of my wits when I first went on a plane on my own.
showing, using, or characterized by caution: a cautious man; To be cautious is often to show wisdom. commencer à apprendre
careful to avoid problems or danger Becky's become a very cautious driver since her accident.
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a person who is socially awkward and unpopular: a usually intelligent ... or expert especially in a technological field or activity He is a real computer geek. He knows how to write code and loves playing computer games.
Are you a highly creative person or are you more of a logical thinker? commencer à apprendre
a creative person is good at thinking of new ideas He is one of Japan's most talented and creative film directors.
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a special offer from a shop, restaurant, etc. with which you can buy something for less than the usual price There's a two-for-one deal on pizzas at our local Italian restaurant this week.
Something used to oppose attack(s) commencer à apprendre
the act of protecting something or someone from attack
“Human dignity demands courage to defend oneself.” commencer à apprendre
to protect someone or something from attack The castle was built to defend the island against invaders.
money placed in a bank account or an instance of placing money in a bank account. commencer à apprendre
a part of the cost of something that you pay before paying the total amount later We put down a deposit on the house.
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if something develops, or if you develop it, it gets bigger or becomes more important She is fast developing into one of this country's most talented players.
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the process of growing, changing, or becoming better Vitamins are necessary for a child's growth and development.
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unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or was not as good as you expected When my parents told me Santa didn't exist, I was really disappointed.
give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity. commencer à apprendre
to give something, especially money, to a person or organisation that needs help Our school donated money to the Red Cross.
the act or an instance of donating: the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution commencer à apprendre
something, especially money, that you give to help a person or organization Your donation is greatly appreciated. Please make a donation to the hospital fund.
I'm not short, I'm just more down to earth than most people. commencer à apprendre
practical and direct in a sensible honest way Fran's a friendly, down-to-earth person
Eccentricity is regarded as a mental condition by psychologists; this is because eccentric behaviour does not conform to the general pattern. commencer à apprendre
Aunt Jules was always a bit eccentric.
feeling or showing embarrassment. commencer à apprendre
if you feel embarrassed, you feel nervous or uncomfortable about what other people think of you I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.
To enter (a name, etc.) in a register, roll or list. To enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of. To enlist oneself (in something) or become a member (of something). commencer à apprendre
the process of arranging to join a school, university, course, etc. Sorry, the course has limited enrolment and there are no more spaces.
This Image Remover due to lack of existence commencer à apprendre
to happen or to be real or alive
How the world came into existence out of nothing. commencer à apprendre
Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?
What most people think / What successful people know commencer à apprendre
to not suceed in achieving something It looks like the peace talks are failing.
Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success commencer à apprendre
a lack of success in achieving or doing something Successful people often aren’t very good at dealing with failure.
Why am I so fascinated by you commencer à apprendre
I am fascinated by space travel.
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to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc Please fill in this form and return it to your doctor.
willing to adapt or change depending on the situation. the ability to bend without breaking. commencer à apprendre
Teachers have to be flexible.
Person | Need | Goal | Obstacle | Frustration commencer à apprendre
feeling impatient or angry because you are unable to do what you want I get really frustrated with my computer sometimes.
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. commencer à apprendre
if something is genuine, it really is what it seems to be If those are genuine diamonds, they'll be worth a fortune!
A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. Irish proverb commencer à apprendre
someone who is a fun person Kelly is a good laugh, she always tells new jokes.
illustration of identification technologies such as: face recognition, fingerprint scanning and voice commencer à apprendre
something official that shows your name, address, etc, usually with a photograph You can use a passport as identification.
establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is. commencer à apprendre
to recognize someone or something and say correctly who or what they are She was unable to identify her attacker.
I'm not impressed by your looks, money, social status or job title. I'm impressed by the way you treat other human beings. commencer à apprendre
feeling admiration and respect I was impressed by her singing.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do commencer à apprendre
to try to become involved in a situation when people do not want you to I wish he’d stop interfering in my life.
the act of or something that obstructs or hinders. I never let schooling interfere with my education commencer à apprendre
when someone interferes in something I resented his interference in my work.
Tell me and I forget Teach me and I remember Involve me and I learn commencer à apprendre
if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is a part of it The job involves a lot of travelling.
The fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something. commencer à apprendre
taking part in something, or being related to it in some way Your involvement in the project was impressive so you will receive a bonus.
keep yourself to yourself. commencer à apprendre
to stay at home by yourself or with your family instead of going out to meet other people He is a quiet person who keeps himself to himself.
I'm not weird, I am a limited edition commencer à apprendre
My knowledge of sport is limited.
to makes someone feel ill or uncomfortable usually because it is offensive or disgusting commencer à apprendre
The smell made my stomach turn. It was awful.
offensive, selfish, or unaccommodating; nasty; malicious commencer à apprendre
Don’t be so mean to your sister.
combine or put together to form one substance or mass. commencer à apprendre
if you mix two or more substances, or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance
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a liquid or other substance that is made by mixing several substances together, especially in cooking Pour the mixture into four small dishes. mistura; pour - despejar, verter
Moodiness is natural - we can all be out of sorts, pissed off, down/up, or just good old-fashioned cranky. commencer à apprendre
often becoming angry or unhappy Were you a moody teenager? temperamental, mal-humorado
I could be a morning person if morning happened around noon commencer à apprendre
someone who is more productive in the morning I'm not a morning person - that's why I usually start work at 10a.m. pessoa que funciona melhor de manhã
. Innocence personified, being naive in such a world can be a burden. commencer à apprendre
not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen Jim can be so naive sometimes ingénuo burden: something difficult or worrying that you have to deal with
open to discussion or modification. commencer à apprendre
prices, amounts, etc that are negotiable can be discussed and changed The salary for the job is negotiable, depending on experience. que se pode negociar
Time is non-refundable, use it with intention. commencer à apprendre
a non-refundable amount of money cannot be paid back to you There is a £40 deposit, which is non- refundable. que não se pode reembolsar
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someone who is outgoing enjoys meeting and talking to people I'm not really that outgoing. I prefer to stay at home with a good book. extrovertido
an outgoing, gregarious person with good communication skills. commencer à apprendre
someone who likes being with other people Jo is not a people person so she prefers staying at home. pessoa sociável
"I didn't get where I am by trying to please." commencer à apprendre
to make someone happy or satisfied Most children are eager to please. agradar; to be eager to please querer agradar
What you learn with pleasure you never forget. (Alfred Mercier) commencer à apprendre
a feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or enjoyment She sipped her drink with pleasure. prazer. sip - beber aos goles
Which do you prefer...? doing push-ups or doing sit-ups? commencer à apprendre
to like or want someone or something more than someone or something else Would you prefer a hot or a cold drink? preferir
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when someone likes something more than something else Which style you choose is just a matter of personal preference. preferência
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the work of preparing something or preparing for something The England team have begun their preparation for next week's game. preparação
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. commencer à apprendre
to make plans or arrangements for something that will happen soon, or to get yourself ready for it How do you prepare for an important test or exam? preparar
Recycling Carpooling Saving Energy ... prevents AIR POLLUTION commencer à apprendre
to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something His back injury prevented him from playing in the match. prevenir, impedir
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when someone is stopped from doing something or when something is stopped from happening The crime prevention in our town is quickly improving. prevenção
Work Hard, But Don't Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself! commencer à apprendre
to make attempts to make someone do something by threatening them or making them believe that they should do it Her family are putting pressure on her to get a job. pressionar alguém
Can You Choose How to React to a Situation? commencer à apprendre
to behave in a particular way because of what someone has done or said to you, or because of the situation you are in The audience reacted by shouting and booing. reagir. boo - vaiar
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something that you feel or do because of what has happened to you or been said to you What was his reaction to the question? reação
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to mention someone or something He referred to her several times. referir
Everything You Need to Know on How to Write a Reference Letter commencer à apprendre
a letter containing information about you that is written by someone who knows you well, and is usually intended for a new employer If you are interested in the job, please send us your CV and a reference from a previous employer. referência; carta de referência
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happy because you are no longer worried or frightened I was relieved to be out of hospital and back home. aliviado
to make someone feel satisfied. commencer à apprendre
feeling that something is as good as it should be, or that something has happened in the way that you want I’m not really satisfied with the way he cut my hair satisfeito
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to shake a lot because you are scared, nervous, etc I shake like a leaf when I think about the exam. tremer como uma folha; tremer como varas verdes
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a piece of wood, metal, plastic, etc with words or pictures on it to give people information Follow the signs to Birmingham. sinal, placa
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to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it I'm thinking of signing up to yoga classes. inscrever-se
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your name written the way you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter or on a cheque Remember to put your signature on the contract. assinatura
"Being spontaneous at times is a must. Being spontaneous all the time is a crazy person". (Ryan Hansen) commencer à apprendre
something that is spontaneous happens without being planned People say I'm always spontaneous. I am a little last-minute and don't organise things in advance. espontâneo
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very happy, excited and pleased We were so thrilled to hear about the baby felicíssimo, excitado
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to make food come out of your mouth from your stomach because you are ill Ugh, this is disgusting! I think I'm going to throw up! vomitar
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to behave towards someone in a particular way She treats me like one of the family. tratar
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a particular way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them I was unhappy with my treatment at passport control. tratamento
Your trial period has been expired! You need to purchase product to continue using it. commencer à apprendre
a short period during which you use or do something or employ someone to find out whether they are satisfactory for a particular purpose or job They let me have the computer for a free trial of ten days. experiência, julgamento, processo trial and error - tentativa e erro
If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy. commencer à apprendre
if someone is trustworthy, you can trust them completely The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy. digno de confiança, fidedigno
wish the earth would swallow you up. commencer à apprendre
to wish that you could disappear because you are very embarrassed Everybody was looking at me and I wished the earth would swallow me up. queria que a terra me engolisse queria meter-me num buraco
If you can't say something nice, say something witty and sarcastic. commencer à apprendre
Geoff is always popular at dinner parties because he's so witty. espirituoso, cheio de graça
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not happy or relaxed because you keep thinking about a particular problem or something bad that might happen I'm worried about my exam. preocupado
How to be sympathetic: That's too bad. How to be empathetic. commencer à apprendre
showing that you understand and care about someone’s problems You should talk to Kerry - she's very sympathetic. solidário, compreensivo
The world is so BIG, and I am so SMALL. How could I possibly contribute anything that MATTERS? commencer à apprendre
to give money, help, ideas etc to something that other people are also involved in Everyone was expected to contribute £2. contribuir
The law of contribution: growing yourself enables you to grow others. commencer à apprendre
something that you give or do to help make something successful Einstein’s enormous contribution to science contribuição, colaboração