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A+a spółgłoska
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A+a consonant
an = a samogłoska
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an = a vowel
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very V
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what W
wolny dzień syn a = jeden A + liczba pojedyncza i policzalna
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a free day, a son, a free ticket, a = one A + singular & countable
wolne bilety
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free X tickets
Mogę ci dać bilet(y)
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I can give you ticket(s)
jaki ładny DZIEŃ / jaka ładna pogoda X /Jaka ładna sukienka /Jakie ładne buty X /to taka ładna robota /to taka ładna robota X/
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what A nice DAY / what nice X weather /What a nice dress / What nice X shoeS /this is such a nice job /this is such nice X work/
co / takie X fajne informacje / nowiny / meble / porady
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what / such X cool information / news / furniture / tips
możesz na mnie polegać
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you can rely on me
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reliable person
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reliable car
półka - wiele półek
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shelf - many shelves
żona - żony
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wife -wives
nóż, noże
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knife, knives
zrobiłeś Ty?
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did you
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wieloryb, wieloryby
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whale, whales
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zadowolony mężczyzna
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contended man
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a little
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kawalek inormacji, kawalek wiadomości, kawalek mebla, kawalek rady
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a piece of information, a piece of news, a piece of furniture, a piece of advice
gapiłeś się na coś? Wpatrywać się w coś/gapić się na coś
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stare at something?

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