zwroty praca

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question réponse
mam pytanie
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I have a question
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this way
potrafisz to naprawić?
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can you fix it
niemartw się naprawie to
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don't worry i'll fix it
Tak umię
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Yes I can
nie potrafię
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I can not
przykro nie potrafię Ci pomódz
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I'm sorry, I can't help you
możemy porozmawiać?
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we can talk?
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of course
skaleczylem sie
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I cut myself
możesz mi pokazac
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can you show me
nie ma za co!
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you're welcome!
niema mowy
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no way
jestem chory
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I'm sick
To jest twoje stanowisko pracy
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This is your workplace
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możesz powtórzyć?
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You can repeat?

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