zwroty i idiomy

 0    41 fiche    angelikachomicka
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more to it than that
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więcej niż to
and above all
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i ponad wszystko
get sure to
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upewnij się, że
always loosing
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jak mamy marudzenie to zawsze ING
I'd rather
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you didn't - czas przeszły
after however
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there is coma
no sooner had something happened
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than another thing happens
why not tell czy why not telling?
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bez ing!!!
przy i'd rather jest to czy nie ma?
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nie ma TO!!!
why not try talk czy why not try talking?
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what about stay czy what about staying?
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what about staying
i'm not too sure
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nie jestem zbyt pewien
give that a try
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let's not try
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nie próbujmy
you had better go
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lepiej żebyś poszedł
i regret not helping
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żałuję, że nie pomogłem
it's high time you started doing something
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ed + ing
he's known for making it
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known for + ing
i was on the point of calling
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on the point of + ing - kiedy właśnie miało się zamiar coś robić
it's no use worrying/ there's no use worrying
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po it i there dajemy ing
i regret not
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going / having gone
she was the first TO become
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the first to
it's no good phoning him
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it's no good + ing
in need of something
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pamiętaj o OF
swot up on
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wskoczyć na
to say the least
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delikatnie mówiąc
wish w czasie teraźniejszym
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wish + osoba + past simple: po wish ponawiamy osobę i dajemy czasownik w czasie przeszłym - i wish i was fishing
wish w czasie przeszłym
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wish + osoba + had + III forma - i wish i had gone fishing
if only w czasie teraźniejszym
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if only + osoba + past simple
if only w czasie przeszłym
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if only + osoba + had + III forma
but for that
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we would be in trouble
if it hadn't been for that
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gdyby nie, po tym dajemy drugą część okresu warunkowego z would
inwersja if it hadn't been for that, i would win
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had it been for that, i would win
was/were to
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gdy chcemy podkreślić, że coś jest bardzo mało prawdopodobne (zdarzenie w przeszłości) np if i was to have failed my parents would have killed me
from now on
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od teraz
only briefly
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tylko na krótko, przelotnie
before long
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to cut back on something
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ograniczyć coś
stock up on sth
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zaopatrzyć się w coś
pick at something
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dziobać coś
to put off a meeting
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przekładać spotkanie

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