
 0    24 fiche    adriankazmierczak7
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question réponse
jak leci?
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how's it going?
co robisz na święta
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what are you doing for christmas
masz jakieś plany na lato
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do you have aby plans for the summer
jak leci?
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how's it going?
jak się masz?
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how are you doing?
jak życie?
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how's life?
jak leci?
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how are things?
nie tak źle, dzięki
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not too bad, thanks
w porządku, dzięki
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alright, thanks
nie za dobrze
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not so well
przez długi czas
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for a long time
jak o tobie?
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how about you?
co ty kombinujesz?
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what are you up to?
co porabiałeś?
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what have you been up to?
dużo pracować
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working a lot
Byłem bardzo zajęty
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I've been very busy
tak samo jak zwykle
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same as usual
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not much
nie dużo
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not a lot
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commencer à apprendre
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commencer à apprendre
a few

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