
 0    41 fiche    guest2656822
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question réponse
jak się masz?
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how do you do?
Jak się czujesz?
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How are you?
Skąd pochodzisz
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Where are you from
gdzie mieszkasz?
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where do you live?
gdzie jest
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What is it?
co to jest
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what is this
gdzie jesteś
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where are you
gdzie są?
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where are?
Jak dojść do...?
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How to reach...?
Jak dojdę do...?
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How can I get to...?
co to za obiekt
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what is this object
co to za obiekt, co przedstawia
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what is this object, what does it represent
czy ty masz
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do you have
pochodzę z Polski ale mieszkam w Anglii
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I come from Poland but I live in England
Pochodzę ze Zbąszynia ale mieszkam w Zielonej Górze
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I come from Zbąszyń but I live in Zielona Góra
Urodziłam się w Zbąszyniu ale mieszkam w Zielonej Górze
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I was born in Zbąszyń but I live in Zielona Góra
Urodziłam się we Wroclawiu
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I was born in Wroclaw
Urodziłam się we wrześniu
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I was born in September
ja nie mam
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I do not have
ja nie mam zamiaru
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I'm not going to
ja nie mam samochodu
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I do not have a car
ja mam
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I have
wy macie
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you have
on ma
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he has got
ty masz
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you have
ty jesteś
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you are
oni mają
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they have
my jesteśmy
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we are
on jest
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he is
ja jestem
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I am
wy jesteście
commencer à apprendre
you are
my mamy
commencer à apprendre
we have
commencer à apprendre
to have
ona jest
commencer à apprendre
she is
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
commencer à apprendre
to be
ona ma
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she has got
ona ma na sobie
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she is wearing
ona ma niebieskie oczy
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She has blue eyes

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