zosia sroda

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question réponse
to świetnie / to okropne
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that's great / that's terrible
fantastycznie / to straszne
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how wonderful/how awful
jaka szkoda
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what a pity
bardzo mi przykro
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I’m sorry to hear that.
nie moge w to uwierzyc
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I can’t believe it
nie obchodzi mnie to
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I don’t care
to nie mój problem
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It’s not my problem
głowa do gory
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cheer up
nie martw sie
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don’t worry
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take it easy
spokojnie nie denerwuj się
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calm down
nie złosc sie
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don’t get angry
czejść mowi arek
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hello, this is arek
czy moge zrozmawiać z
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Can I speak to
przy telefonie
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prosze chwile poczekacć
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hold on a second
dzwonie w sprawie
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I'm calling about
czy moglbym zostawic wiadomość
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Could I leave a message?
czy mam cos przekazaç
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can I take a message
przpraszam sa zakłocenia na lini
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sorry, it’s a bad lind
czy mozesz mowic glośniej
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can you speak up
zaraz padnie mi telefon
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my phone is about to die
dziekuje za telefon. na razie
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Thank for calling. bye for now

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