znane do powtórki

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korzystać z x2
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benefit from / make use of sth
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to take a risk
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natychmiast x3
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at once / immediately straightaway
wyginąć x2
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become extinct / die out
Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. Pandas could become extinct in the wild.
odległe miejsca
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remote locations
zawieszać, przerywać (np. negocjacje, obrady), wstrzymywać (np. produkcję)
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I intend to suspend the sitting for five minutes.
bardzo ważny, kluczowy, niezbędny, istotny
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The crucial changes must come from within the country itself.
zobligowany, zobowiązany x2 / zobowiązać kogoś
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obligated, obliged / to obligate, to oblige
wolny (o stanowisku pracy posadzie)
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This job is still vacant
bezstronny x3
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unbiased, impartial, neutral
wskazówka x3
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instructions, pointer, tip
odkryć x2
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to find out, discover
I have finally found out what is wrong with my bike.
wskazany, pożądany oficjalnie
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desirable, desirable, desirable
A knowledge of the market is highly desirable in this job.
żarówka x2 / energooszczędny x2
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light bulb, bulb/ energy-efficient, energy saving
We need to change the light bulb.
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the youth
niekompletny, intuicyjny
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incomplete, intuitive
dokładne dane
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accurate data
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ponad wszystko
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above all
kosztowne błędy
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costly mistakes
powód, przyczyna, czynnik x3
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trigger, cause, reason
grupa (ludzi), oddział (wojskowy), gromada (zwierząt)
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Has the troop already set off?
celowy, zamierzony / umyślnie, celowo, rozmyślnie, specjalnie
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deliberate / deliberately
It was a deliberate act. He hadn't done it deliberately.
koncert, występ / dać koncert
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Gig, have a gig
uprząż (dla konia, do wspinaczki) / okiełznać, ujarzmić // plony, zbiory x2
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harness / harness // harvest, crops
Everything changed after the man harnessed fire. We've had a particularly good harvest this year.
gruby o rzeczy (np. książka, sweter), gruba pokrywa śnieżna
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thick, thick snow cup
ulotka, broszurka
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a leaflet
tolerować coś, być tolerancyjnym wobec czegoś
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be tolerant of something
I'm not very tolerant of people who talk loudly on their mobile in the train
godziny szczytu x3
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rush hour, peak time, peak hour,
aktualny, ważny (np. o paszporcie)
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This ticket is valid throughout Europe.
pod / poniżej
nie do końca legalnie, aresztowany, poniżej limitu wiekowego, w trakcie naprawy, pod presją, do przedyskutowania, pod wodą, podwodny
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under / below
Under table, under arrest, under age, under repair, under pressure, under discussion, under water, underwater, under the weather
szafka w szkole w biurze szatni
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kaucja zaliczka / przelew
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deposit / transfer
warsztaty/ arkusz kalkulacyjny/ rozwój
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pokryć koszty
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cover the costs
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This company is our counterpart in Sweden. My counterpart in their company earns more money.
zwolnić wyrzucić z pracy, też odrzucać pomysł
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Almost half of our staff have been dismissed, My boss dismissed my environmentally-friendly project.
celowo x3
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deliberately, on purpose, intentionally
He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.
nacisk, szczególna uwaga
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He put emphasis on the word 'quickly'.
pominąć, pomijać, przeoczyc x3 / wychodzić na o widoku np. na jezioro
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omit, overlook, skip / overlook
mnich, zakonnica
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monk, nun
w przybliżeniu, z grubsza
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roughly, roughly
Sales are up by roughly 10%. We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.
siedzący na przykład tryb życia
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sedentary, sedentary lifestyle,
porwać kogoś
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pomnik x2
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monument, memorial
The hospital was built as a memorial to King Edward VII.
szeroki wybór (czegoś), grupa, szereg
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We have an array of possibilities.
warty, wartościowy, wart zachodu, wart trudu
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It wasn’t worthwhile continuing with the project.
pot /upocony spocony, przepocony
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sweat / sweaty

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