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nawłoć kanadyjska
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chaber bławatek
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mniszek lekarski
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bylica piołun
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krwawnik pospolity
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ostróżka polna
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rumianek pospolity
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stokrotka pospolita
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wrotycz pospolity
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babka jajowata
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komonica zwyczajna
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koniczyna łąkowa
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lucerna siewna
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łubin żółty
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dziurawiec zwyczajny
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lepnica biała
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mięta polna
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rozmaryn lekarski
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kapusta rzepak
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pyleniec pospolity
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tasznik pospolity
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mak polny
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pokrzywa polna
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szczaw zwyczajny
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koper ogrodowy
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lubczyk ogrodowy
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szczwół plamisty
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komosa biała
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świwrzbnica polna
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robinia akacjowa
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brzoza brodawkowata
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grab pospolity
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dąb szypułkowy
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kasztanowiec pospolity
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klon polny
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klon srebrzysty
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klon zwyczajny
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jesion wyniosły
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orzech włoski
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platan klonolistny
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grusza pospolita
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jabłoń domowa
Co to jest?
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jarząb pospolity
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lipa szerokolistna
Co to jest?
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wierzba płacząca
Co to jest?
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wiąz szypułkowy

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