Zestaw 1 Lingwistyka

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question réponse
sytuacja dwuznaczna
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ambiguous situation
Chodźmy do Birmingham
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Let's go to Birmingham
Co za okropne zdjęcie!
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What a hideous photo!
próbka śliny
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a saliva sample
dziesięć lat temu
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a decade ago
trzy metry wysokości
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three meters in height
unikać plagiatu
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avoid plagiarism
formuła matematyczna
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mathematical formula
bałagan na biurku i niechlujne ubrania
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a messy desk and slovenly clothing
polowanie na bażanta
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hunt for pheasant
zaciągnij zasłony
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draw the curtains
on jest maniakiem
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she’s a maniac
podatny na choroby
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susceptible to disease
cząstkowa wiedza
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partial knowledge
Disney World
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Disney World
firmy farmaceutyczne
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pharmaceutical companies
przetarty dywan
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a threadbare rug
widziałem ją
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I saw her
molo z pięknym widokiem
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a pier with a nice view
buty baletowe
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ballet shoes
On gra na wiolonczeli.
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He’s playing the cello.
To jest możliwe do zapanowania.
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It’s manageable.
To jest orkiestra.
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It’s an orchestra.
wizyta uprzejmości
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a courtesy visit
problem otyłości
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the problem of obesity
krzywe zęby
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crooked teeth
okropna kłótnia
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a terrible row
Hugh Jackman
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Hugh Jackman
zasiać nasiona
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sow the seeds
dostałem czkawkę
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I got a hiccough

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