Zdrowe nawyki +challenge

 0    17 fiche    michalwejman
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question réponse
posiadac mało, niewystarczająco
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be short of sth
podawać cos za cos innegi
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pass sth off as sth
w jaskrawej sprzeczności
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in stark contrast
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go haywire
radzic sobie
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get by on sth
okres kształtowania osobowości
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formative years
choroby zakaźne
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contagious diseases
czegoś zabraknie, miec mało
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be short of sth
utrwalony (nawyk)
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set in stone
pies pogrzebany
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there's the rub
być zaskoczonym
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struck by sth
rozgryźć coś
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work sth out
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nod orf
słaby, kulawy(wiedza)
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Tell me another one
być dalekim od ideału
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be anothing by ideal
ustalona pora snu
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fixed bedtime

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