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czy musze sie przesiasc zeby dostac sie do muzeum
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Do I have to transfer to get to the museum?
czy macie jakies udogodnienia dla klientow biznesowych
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do you have any facilities for business clients
Posiadamy drukarkę, kserokopiarkę. i faks
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We have a printer, photocopier and fax
powinismy wezwac pogotowie
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we should call an ambulance
nie powinienes go ruszac
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you shouldn't move him
lekarz wlasnie przyjechal
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the doctor just arrived
klimatyzacja nie dziala
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The air conditioning ist working
prysznic nie zostal jeszcze naprawiony
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the shower hasn't been fixed yet
moj pokoj jest za maly
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my room is too small
wezwe konserwatora
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I'll call the maintenance man
Zarowka powinna byc wymieniona dawno temu
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The bulb should have been replaced a long time ago

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