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wiem ze ona mieszka w warszawie ale nie znam jej rodziny
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I know she lives in Warsaw but I don't know her family
nie potrzebuje juz tych krzesel. mozesz je wziasc.
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I don't need these chairs anymore. you can take them.
gdzie jest przystanek autobusowy? jest niedaleko sklepu spozywczego.
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where is the bus stop? it's near the grocery store.
kim oni sa? znasz ich?
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who they are? can you know them?
wszyscy ida dzisiaj do kina. idziemy z nimi?
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everyone is going to the cinema today. are we going with them?
gdzie jest moja ksiazka? nie moge jej nigdzie znalezc.
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where is my book? I can't find it anywhere.
moj telefon nie dziala. nie moge go wlaczyc. zadzwonie do niej pozniej.
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my phone is not working. I can't turn it on. I'll call her later.
ich corka mieszka na obrzezach miasta, a oni w centrum. widze ich czesto.
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their daughter lives on the outskirt of town and they live in the center. I see them often.
umyj rece zanim zjesz obiad
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wash your hands before you eat dinner
ich drzwi wejsciowe sa czerwone a nasze zielone.
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their front door is red and ours is green.
tu sa moje rekawiczki, nie moglem ich znalezc
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here are my gloves, I couldn't find them
jej siostra jest bardzo mila, ale ich syn jest bardzo powazny. Nie mozna z nim pozartowac.
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her sister is very nice, but their son is very serious. You can't joke with him.
nie widzialem ich od dawna. moze sie przeprowadzili.
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I haven’t seen them for a long time. maybe they moved out.
kot spi, nie przeszkadzaj mu.
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the cat is sleeping, do not disturb it.
ta szafa jest ciezka. mozesz mi pomoc?
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this wardrobe is heavy. can you help me?
konie maja piekne, lsniace wlosy i do tego sa takie dlugie.
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horses have beautiful, shiny hair and they are so long.
mam nowy telefon, jest super
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I have a new phone, it's great
w centrum jest nowy sklep meblowy, ale nie maja ladnych kanap. moja kanapa jest z innego sklepu.
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there is a new furniture store in the center, but they don't have nice couches. my couch is from another store.
on ma nowa prace i jest z niej zadowolony.
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he has a new job and he is happy with it.
moj syn jest chory. ma grype.
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my son is sick. He has a flu.
jestem lekarzem, a moja zona jest pisarka.
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I am a doctor and my wife is a writer.
nie ma zadnego masla w lodowce, ale jest oliwa z oliwek w szafce.
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there is no butter in the fridge, but there is olive oil in the cupboard.
to moj nowy komputer. ma szary kolor.
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this is my new computer. it is grey.
pogoda dzisiaj nie jest ladna. jest deszczowo.
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the weather is not nice today. it's rainy.
ile masz lat. mam 20 ale wygladam na wiecej.
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how old are you. I'm 20 but I look more.
dlugopisy sa w szufladzie, a kartki mam na polce.
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pens are in the drawer and the paper is on the shelf.
ile kosztuja roze? one kosztuja 5zl za sztuke.
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how much are the roses? they are 5 PLN each.
mam duzo pracy domowej. nauczycielka jest szalona.
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I have a lot of homework. the teacher is crazy
ten dom jest piekny. czy jest ogrod i basen?
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this house is beautiful. is there a garden and a swimming pool?
nie mamy dzieci ale mamy dwa koty.
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we don't have children but we have two cats.
jaka to jest ksiazka? ma obrazki w srodku?
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what is this book? has it got pictures inside?
jakie masz oceny z polskiego? wszystkie sa takie dobre?
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what are your grades in Polish? are they all so good?
nie mam nowego kremu. ten co mam jest najlepszy.
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I don't have a new cream. the one I have is the best.
jestem z australii ale mam wloskie obywatelstwo
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i am from australia but i have italian citizenship
moja kolezanka ma nowego psa. on jest piekny.
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my friend has a new dog. it is beautiful.
jestem w domu a ty?
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I am at home, and you?
jest 7 dni w tygodniu i 12 miesiecy w roku.
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there are 7 days in a week and 12 months in a year.
masz wszystkie potrzebne skladniki? to ciasto jest pyszne.
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do you have all the ingredients you need? this cake is delicious.
on jest chory. juz jest w lozku.
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He is sick. she is already in bed.
jestem zmeczony ale nie jestem glodny.
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I am tired but I am not hungry.
jestem dziennikarzem ale interesuje sie psychologia.
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I'm a journalist but I'm interested in psychology.
klucze sa na stole.
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the keys are on the table.
czy twoi rodzice maja sie dobrze?
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are your parents doing well?
jak wyglada twoj brat? czy jest wysoki?
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what does your brother look like? is he tall
jaka jest twoja corka? ona jest bardzo madra.
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what is your daughter like she is very smart.
nie badz taka niecierpliwa. w kolejce jest duzo ludzi.
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don't be so impatient. there are a lot of people in the queue.
to jest ich mieszkanie. jest w nim duzo przestrzeni.
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this is their apartment. there is a lot of space in it.
czy twoja praca jest interesujaca?
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is your job interesting?
jestes po slubie? jestem rozwiedziony.
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are you married? I'm divorced.
czy sklepy sa dzisiaj otwarte?
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are the stores open today?

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