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dzieki ze zadzwoniles wczesniej
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thanks for calling earlier
cos przerywa
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you’re breaking up
nie slysze cie zbyt dobrze
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I can’t hear you very well
odbior jest bardzo zly tutaj
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reception is very bad here
twoja centrala byla zamknieta
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your switchboard was closed
mozemy zostac rozlaczeni
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might get cut off
ciesze sie ze dzwonisz
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i’m pleased you called
jest na innej lini
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she’s on another line
czy chcialabys rozmawiac
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would you like to speak
przelacze pania
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i’ll put you through
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i’ll transfer you
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i am returning your call
chce ci dac znac
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this is just to let you know
Czy mogę zostawić wiadomość
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could i leave a message

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