zaprace domowe(i troche jedzenia)

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napoje gazowane
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fizzy drinks
woda niegazowana
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still water
woda gazowana
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sparkling water
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to drink
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to eat
ścierać kurz
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prasować ubrania
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iron the clothes
opiekować sie młodszą siostrą
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look after my younger sister
ścielić łóżko
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make my bed
wynosić śmieci
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take the rubbish out
sprzątaś w swoim pokoju
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tidy my room
odkurzać dywany
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vacuum the carpets
kroić owoce/warzywa
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cut up fruit / vegetables
robić zakupy
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do to the shopping
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing-up
nakrywaćdo stołu
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set the table
robić śniadanie/obiad/kolację
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make breakfast / lunch / dinner

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