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Trochę, mało
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A little
There is a little milk in the fridge.
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There is a little milk in the fridge.
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A few
Było trochę jabłek w sklepie.
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There were a few apples in the shop.
Dużo, wiele
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A lot of, lots of
Mam dużo pieniędzy.
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I have a lot of money.
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A ton of
Masz mnóstwo książek.
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You have a ton of books.
Dużo (przed czasownikami niepoliczalnymi)
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Much (before uncountable verbs)
Jesz za dużo cukru!
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You eat too much sugar!
Dużo (przed czasownikami policzalnymi)
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Many (before countable verbs)
Chciałbym kupić dużo książek.
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I would like to buy many books.
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Jest trochę dziewczyn w klasie.
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There are some girls in the class.
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Nie ma żadnych talerzy na stoliku.
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There are any plates on the table.
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Masz wystarczająco książek.
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You have enough books.

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