Zaimki dzierżawcze my your... (Brainy 4 unit 3)

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question réponse
1 mój, moja, moje
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1 my
2 twój, twoja, twoje
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2 your
3 was, wasza, wasze
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3 your,
4. jego
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4. his (do osoby)
5 jej
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5 her (do osoby)
6. jego, jej (do zwierzat, rzeczy)
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6. its
7. nasz, nasza, nasze
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7. our (ałer)
8. ich
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8. their (wejer)
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10. To jest mój grzebień
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10. This is my comb
2. To jest twój sweter
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2. This is your sweater
3. To jest jego koszulka
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3. This is his T- shirt
4. To jest jej smartfon
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4. This is her smartphone
5. To jest nasz nauczyciel
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5. This is our teacher
6. To jest wasza szkoła
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6. This is your school
7. To jest ich parasolka
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7. This is their umbrella
8. To jest jego ogon (psa)
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8. This is its tail

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