zadanie maturalne 3

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moim pierwszym wyborem byloby
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my firdt preference would be to
wybralem te opcje poniewaz
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I’d go for this option because
wybieram obraz/zdjecie/plakat/opcje numer
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I choose picture/photo/poster/option number
wolalbym raczej... niz
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I would rather... than
ten pomysl wydaje sie o wiele ciekawszy poniewaz
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this idea is much more interesting to me because
ten pomysl podoba mi sie najbardziej poniewaz
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I like this idea the most because
nie wgbralbym /nie wybieram zdjecia numer
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I wouldn't / don't choose picture number
ten pomysl przemawia do mnie zdecydowanie mniej niz drugi poniewaz
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this option is definitely less appealing than the other because
jest niewyrazisty i trudny do zrozumienia
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it’s unclear and difficult to understand
ten pomysl podoba mi sie majmniej poniewaz
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I like this idea the least because
jefna z zalet jest
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one advantage is that
glowna wada / problemem jest
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the main disadvantage / problem is that
mysle / nie sadze ze jest to wazne
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I think/don't think it’s important
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
tak zgadzam sie z tym stwierdzeniem poniewaz
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yes I agree with this statement because
nie nie zgadzam sie z tym stwierdzeniem pomiewaz
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no I don’t agree with this statement because
jest latwy w interpretacji
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it’s easy to interpret
przyciaga wzrok
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it’s eye catching
ma jasny przekaz i chwytliwe hasło
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it has a clear message and catchy slogan
zmusza do myslenia
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it’s thought provoking
wyglada na profesjonalne
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It looks professional
pokazuje pomysl/ temat w interesujacy sposob
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It illustrates the idea/topic of in an interesting way
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jedna z zalet jest to ze
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one of the advantages of is that
kolejnym plusem jest to, ze
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another plus is the fact that
kolejna zaleta jest to, ze
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another positive aspect is the fact that
kolejnym minusem jest to ze
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another minus is that
kolejna wada jest to ze
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another negative side is that
wydaje mi sie ze
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i guess that
jesli chodzi o mnie
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as far as I’m concerned,
z jednej strony
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on the one hand
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
wedkug mnie
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if you ask me
uwazan ze
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i believe that
szczerze mowiac
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to be honest with you

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