zabieranie rzeczy z powrotem do sklepu

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question réponse
proszę, oto paragon
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here's the receipt
od kiedy pan to ma
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How long have you had it
chciałbym zwrócić ten
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I 'd to return this please
Wolałbym otrzymać zwrot pieniędzy, proszę
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I'd rather get a refund please
wolałbym odzyskać swoje pieniądze
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I'd rather get my money back
przykro mi ale
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I'm afraid...
kiedyś działał ale juz nie
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it used to work but now it doesn't
nie dziala
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it doesn't work
ma gwarancję na
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It's got a guarantee
w czym problem?
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what's the problem?
czy chciałby pan go wymienić
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would you like to replace it

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