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question réponse
dobrze się czujesz
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are you okey
jesteś chory
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are you sick
czy możesz oddzwonić później
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can you call back later
masz kawę?
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do you have any coffe?
Ile pieniędzy potrzebujesz?
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How much money do you need?
ile macie kwiatow w ogrodzie
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how many flowers do you have in your garden?
nie mam dużo czasu
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i don’t have much time
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keep it down
co robisz w wolnym czasie
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What do you do in your free time
gdzie oni graja
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where are they playing
gdzie robisz...
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where do you do...
kiedy wstajesz
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when do you get up?
Jaki sport uprawiasz?
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what sport do you do?
Której drużynie kibicujesz?
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what team do you support?
ćwiczę jogę w domu
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i do yoga at home
co z wami?
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what about you guys?
komu kibicujesz?
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who do you support?
są lepsi od
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they are better than the
nie sądzę
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i don’t think so
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to jest sposób życia
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it’s a way of life
jak wyglądało wasze wesele?
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how was your wedding?
jak smakowało ciasto?
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how was the cake?
jak ci smakuje ciasto
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How do you like the cake?
ciasto jest dobre
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the cake is good
pokażesz mi
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you will show me the
podroz poslubna
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chcesz iść do klubu
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do you want to go to a club
czy jesteś dzisiaj zajęty.
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are you busy today.
chciałbym dzis wyjsc
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I would like to go out today
czy chcialbys zatanczyc
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Would you like to dance?
chcialbym z toba zatanczyc
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I'd like to dance with you
kochaj siebie
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love your self
nie swiruj
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don't freak out
chyba zrezygnuje
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I think I’II pass
Przykro mi to słyszeć
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i’m sorry to hear that
Ależ ekscytujące!
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how exciting!
kogo to obchodzi
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who cares
zapomnij o tym
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forget it
to dziwne
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that’s odd
chyba nie mowisz powaznie
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you can’t be serious
zejdź na ziemię
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get real
nie mam pojecia
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no idea
nie sadze
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i can’t imagine
nie mogę w to uwierzyć
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i can’t believe it
kto wie
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who knows
dobrze wiedzieć
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good to know
Słuszna uwaga
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good point
Oczywiście nie
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of course not
nie ma za co
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not at all
to zależy od Ciebie
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it’s up to you
na zdrowie (po kichnięciu)
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bless you
Jesteś pewny?
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are you sure?
ja tez
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same here
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go ahead!
bylo by
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it would be
nie mam nic przeciwko
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i dont mind
Co to jest
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what’s that

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