
 0    13 fiche    alicjanowakowska8
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question réponse
co grają?
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what's on?
może kupie
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shall i buy
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shall we watch?
chciałabyś też coś do picia?
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Would you like to drink as well?
chciałabyś dziś wieczorem pójść do kina?
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would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
tak, bardzo
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yes, i'd love to!
czy mogłaby Pani wypełnić ten formularz?
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can you fill in this form, please?
dzień dobry! zgubiłem wczoraj...
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good morning! I lost a... yesterday
jest zrobiony z
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it's made of
ojej! jak wygląda?
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oh dear! what does it look like?
we'll contact you if we find it.
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we'll contact you if we find it.
jakiej jest marki?
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what brand is it?
z czego jest zrobiony?
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What is it made of?

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