wrzesień 2022

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czynić bogatych bogatszymi, biednych biedniejszymi
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make the rich richer, the poor poorer
podciąć komuś skrzydła
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clip somebody's wings
The kids need to be able to explore the world around them—don't clip their wings. The boss is always trying to clip my wings and micro-manage me.
mistrzowskie posunięcie, przebłysk geniuszu
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If my plan had worked, it would have been a masterstroke.
wielkoduszny, wspaniałomyślny
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It takes a man with a magnanimous heart to be able to do that. magnanimous act
maraton (oglądanie serialu lub programu po kilka odcinków z rzędu lub cały sezon na raz)
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We binge-watched an entire season of "Breaking Bad" on Sunday.
szał, wykonywanie jakiejś czynności intensywnie i w dużej ilości
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binge drinking, binge eating disorder
zaburzenia odżywiania
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eating disorders
Umarł król, niech żyje król!
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The king is dead, long live the king!
wrócić do normalności
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get back to normal
Our life was going to get back to normal again now.
pić z gwinta
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drink straight from the bottle
urzeczywistnić marzenia
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turn the dream into reality
pozostawiać wiele do życzenia
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leave much to be desired
The idea was right, however, even if the implementation left much to be desired.
obowiązkowa praca społeczna
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mandatory community service
lekki jak piórko /idiom/
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light as a feather
I can pick you up easily – you’re as light as a feather.
zaprzestanie stosowania pewnych praktyk
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cease and desist order
The company does not always respond to cease and desist letters.
niezapisana karta, tabula rasa
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blank slate, tabula rasa
He is a blank slate on which you can write anything.
gospodarność, oszczędność, gospodarny (przestarzałe)
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thrift, thrifty
He had a thrift necessary to start his own business.
przechwalać się
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bragging, big talk
"Like you said, just big talk is all it was.
Wszyscy chwalą królową
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all hail the queen
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Celebration
róża pnąca
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climbing rose
nie zdejmuj butów
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Don't take your shoes off
problem co było pierwsze jajko czy kura
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chicken egg problem
which came first: the chicken or the egg?
mściwa osoba
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vindictive person
nie wystawiaj mnie na próbę
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Don't test me
deptak, promenada
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Sopot Beach: Beautiful beach and boardwalk!
puszczać kaczki na wodzie
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skip rocks
At Flat Rock Beach my kids can do nothing but skip rocks off the water for hours on end.
kość niezgody
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bone of contention
So this issue became a bone of contention between the two.
wierzchołek góry lodowej
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tip of the iceberg
wyścig szczurów
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rat race
wkładka do butów
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shoe insole, footbed
nieszczęścia chodzą parami (dosł. nigdy nie pada, zawsze leje)
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it never rains, it pours; when it rains, it pours
minus, negatywna strona
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The downside of technology is that the injured party is the originators.
plus, pozytywna strona
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On the upside, the company was early to get into China.
niuanse, zawiłości
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twists and turns
It's hard to follow all the twists and turns of the plot.
wywierać na kimś nacisk, wywierać na kimś presję
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twist somebody's arm
I didn't want to go but Linda twisted my arm.
presja, wywieranie nacisku
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The vote was won only as the result of much arm-twisting by the government.
podtrzymywać tradycję
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keep up tradition
złośliwy, wredny (np. komentarz, uwaga)
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I wanted to apologize for my snarky comment in the meeting.
nasz wspólny przyjaciel
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our mutual friend
druga szansa, poprawka
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That they would get a fresh start, a do-over, a new trial.
łatwizna, prościzna
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easy peasy lemon squeezy
wystawiać na pokaz, promować
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The company has showcased their new product during the conference. I would like to see a showcase of your abilities.
polegli żołnierze
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fallen soldiers
muszę odebrać
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I gotta take this, I have to pick up,
rozdrapywać stare rany, myśleć o przeszłości
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picking scrubs
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debt collector
nadzieja umiera ostatnia
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hope springs eternal
porzucić nadzieję
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abandon hope
abandon hope all ye who enter here
zwłoki, trup, ciało
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