Writing tools

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the suitcase, the suitcases
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der Koffer, die Koffer
indefinite article
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unbestimmer Artikel
definite article
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bestimmer Artikel
first time
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erste Mal
The pen, the pens
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der Stift, die Stifte
near by
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the ticket, the tickets
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die Fahrkarte, die Fahrkarten
the ticket, tickets
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das Ticket, die Tickets
pencil, pencils
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der Bleistift, die Bleistifte
the pen, the pens
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der Kuli, die Kulis
the pen, the pens
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der Kugelschreiber, die Kugelschreiber
the colored pencil
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der Buntstift, die Buntstifte
the brush
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der Pinsel, die Pinsel
the brush razor
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der Pinselrazor, die Pinselrazor
the blackboard
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die Tafel, die Tafeln
the sheet, the leaves
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das Blatt, die Blätter
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the chewing gum
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der Kaugummi, die Kaugummis
the pen sharpener
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der Spitzer, die Spitzer
the notebook
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das Heft, die Hefte
the block
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der Block, die Blöcke
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the item
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der Artikel, die Artikel
to choose
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the hour
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die Stunde, die Stunden

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