world views, ways of thinking

 0    24 fiche    katarzynadrozdowska
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question American English réponse American English
a person who supports a particular idea or party
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adherent(of), adherence, to adhere to
someone who has taken on a new set of beliefs
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convert (to), conversion, to convert
disapproving someone with a very strong belief
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fanatic, fanaticism, fanatical
someone who believes there should be extreme political changes, either of a left- or right-wing nature
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radical, radicalism
disapproving, someone opposed to change or new ideas
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reactionary, reaction
disapproving, someone with stron unreasonable beliefs who thinks that anyone with other beliefs is wrong
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bigot, bigotry, bigoted
unquestioning acceptance that something is true
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has its origin in
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derives from
abolish or get rid of
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basic pronciples - verb - to postulate
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usher in
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credible (e.g. excuse)
too wiliing to believe what youre told
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not wanitng or able to believe something
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formal, acceptance that something is true
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credence - give/lend/add credence
easily tricked into believing things that may not be true
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trusting, sincere, often in na way that seems foolish
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consider something to be caused, created or possessed by that person or thing
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to ascribe, attribute something to someone or something
one of the principles on which a belief is based
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a tenet
to accepts that someone is telling the truth even though it is not certain
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give someone the benefit of the doubt
do not totally believe what you are told
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take something with a pinch of salt
saying that you dont believe in what someone is saying
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i dont buy that, what'd you take me for?, pull the other one, a likely story, w asnt born yesterday, ill believe it when i see it

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