Words test

 0    10 fiche    juliandrezek
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question réponse
uciec skądś
commencer à apprendre
break out of somewhere
made someone say something which proves something
commencer à apprendre
catch someone out
commencer à apprendre
get over sth
confess that you did sth
commencer à apprendre
give yourself up
allow to escape punishment
commencer à apprendre
let someone off
za kratkami
commencer à apprendre
behind bars
odbywanie kary w więzieniu
commencer à apprendre
serving a term in jail
wspólnota karna
commencer à apprendre
penal community
lokalne placówki gastronomiczne
commencer à apprendre
local catering establishments
sektor wzrostu gospodarki
commencer à apprendre
growth sector of the economy

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