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Datastructures consist of 2 parts what are they?
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Elements each of which is either a data type Collectionor another data structure AND A set of associations or relationships (the structure) involving the collection of elements
Describe a Linear Structure with examples
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Unique predecessor and unique successor. EG Stacks, Queues
Describe Hierichical structure
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unique predecessor AND many successors eg Family tree
Describe Graph Structure
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many predecessors and many successors eg Railway man, computer network
Describe set structure
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no predecessors AND no successors, eg class of students
What are the steps to pick a data structure?
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1) Analyse the problem 2) Determine the basic operations needed 3) Select the most efficient data structure
What is an Abstract Data Type (ADT)?
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An ADT is a collection of data and associated methods stored as a single module.
An ADT ______ be directly access
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An ADT __can not__ be directly access
What does an ADT consist of?
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The data structure. The access methods. Modifier methods. internal methods
An ADT describes _____ information is stored ____ being specific about ____ the information is stored or organised
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An ADT describes_WHAT_ information is stored _WITHOUT_ being specific about _HOW_ the information is stored or organised
The methods of the ADT specify _____you can and cant do without being specific about ____ its is achived
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The methods of the ADT specify _WHAT_ you can and cant do without being specific about _HOW_ its is achived

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